Forums Update - Aug31-2020 - New Themes - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Forums Update - Aug31-2020 - New Themes (/thread-35.html)

Forums Update - Aug31-2020 - New Themes - SweptThrone - 08-31-2020

I once again took the default themes and made them other colors. There are now another two themes to choose among.

These themes are:
They Vibe - Deep purple theme. Full of good feelings and calmness.
They Burn - Hot orange theme. Full of heat and comfort.

I again made sure to give them edgy names.

If you prefer some brighter names, here are those alternatives:
Lucid Grape - Deep purple theme. Purple like a juicy grape.
Lucid Orange - Hot orange theme. Orange like an aromatic orange.

To change your theme, go to your User Control Panel, then to the Board Preferences tab and change "My board style."

Please report any issues you may find, such as certain elements not being colored.

EDIT Sep1:
I removed the "Views" column from thread lists since they were all inflated by bots anyway.